Q&A: Michelle May

Q&A: Michelle May

It was a beautiful spring day in the Santa Monica Mountains after much needed rain, everything was crisp and green.  We met up with Michelle May, an L.A. yogi, model and nature lover for a shoot in the sage filed mountains. She radiates a vibe that feels like warm sunshine and we interviewed her to get a glimpse into her fun life in Los Angeles.
Purpose: How do you find your way in this wild world?
Whooo big question! My purpose is to live my truth and find happiness. It sounds cliche but I think when we all follow our inner truth we are guided to our highest life paths and inner bliss. My purpose is to also be in service to all beings while honoring my inner truth

Vibes: How do you stay inspired? What gives you the greatest sense of freedom?
I stay inspired by doing the things I love daily. That looks like yoga, dance, hooping, singing, eating delicious foods, spending time in nature, community, laughter, and lots of love! 

Movement: What is your preferred "movement as medicine" in your life?
I love intuitive movement. I do yoga everyday.  Not just for movement but for my inner peace. I also love hiking and a good run here and there. I love dancing and hooping. I also love a good full body shake. 
Sustainability: What is your definition of ‘sustainability’ and how do you apply it to your life?
Sustainability has a lot of definitions but to me as an individual it means doing my best with the tools and knowledge I have to leave a minimal ecological footprint.  And mainly not supporting corporations that have unethical business practices. If we as consumers vote with our dollar and support ethical business versus companies who create waste, we will see real change. I am not perfect but if we all do the best we can we make an impact. 

Community: In 4 words what describes your ‘community’?
Community is everything. But okay four words. Soul family is life.

Dreams: What dreams are you manifesting in your Life?
 My biggest dream right now is to acquire some land and build a home with a food forest, completely self sustainable, and host healing retreats for people in that space. 

Advice: Best advice you ever got? What advice can you give us?
Best advice I ever got.. wherever you go, there you are. Meaning that you can’t run away from your problems or hide from what is going on within you. The answers are within you. 

Connect: Where can we take your classes or get involved with your projects?
I currently teach yoga at The Wild Plum and Shiva Yoga. Both studios are based in L.A. Or if you want to connect with me virtually I am on YouTube @flowwithmichelle and would love to connect with you.
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